[SOLVED]Grafana keeps asking for log-in

Hey guys,

Yesterday I set up influxdb and grafana following this guide.
Everything went well until some point (probably a ha restart?) i created a graph, imported it to lovelace etc.

Now im having problems.

  • Although i can log in in the main dashboard of grafana, whenever i try to either see a graph or create a new one, a browser log in window pops up.
  • I keep logging in there with correct credentials but it keeps repeatedly appearing.
  • If i enter wrong credentials grafana gives me red error tabs.

To make it clear:

I also get repeated log in prompts in the iframe imported chart in lovelace ui.

Any idea what’s going on?
Thanks in advance.

I’m having the same problem here, did you ever figure it out?

Unfortunately no buddy, I gave up.

same issue here, i thought i was going crazy and had just forgotten my details. but i cant log in no matter what i put.

Same problem here :frowning:

I did find this issue, reset your database connection user information. Its holding for now for me, will probably need to be done at next restart

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Thank you, this helps. The problem is solved :slight_smile:

Having the same issue also. Seems to be after a reboot. Re-entering password into Grafana seems to fix it, until next reboot.

Where would the best place to report that? Here, Grafana or other?

For those who are subscribed. Apparently update 2.2.2 fixed this. Im yet to confirm this though.

I’m on 2.2.3, I keep logging in successfully and it keeps asking for log in :frowning:

More than likely, you’ll need to update then re-enter all the passwords to save them correctly. Then you should be able to restart the server and it maintain the passwords.

Confirming it works well after restart on 2.2.3, after i reset the password. Thanks!

Just in case this helps someone else… I thought I had the same problem, but I had the casing wrong in my InfluxDB username and it resulting in this popup when setting up the data source.

I was having the same problem but it was not relation with Grafana.
My NGINX reverse proxy was asking for password and fixed disabling this lines from my sites-availabled file (i have deleted ‘auth’ lines):

server {
    listen 80;

    server_name example.com;

    **auth_basic "Restricted Access";**
    **auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/htpasswd.users;**

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:5601;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;