[SOLVED] Hassio and Node-RED in different Docker containers, error "Cannot GET homeassistant/entities"

How can I check?

I’ve followed this guide.
This morning I created a new fresh node-red container, stopping the other one, to have a clear environment.

Exactly what command did you use?

The command I gave is

docker run -it -p 1880:1880 --name mynodered nodered/node-red-docker

The first time it downloaded the image, now since I just stopped the other node-red container and not deleted, it just run the new one.

You don’t need to post a pic of the instructions, I have access to the internet too.

You need v8, I posted the commandline in my last post (as an edit, you may have missed it).

Thanks @nickrout
It’s working now!


Well thank you for asking the questions, I now have node-red running again. I had it in my previous install, but my rpi shat itself and since switching to a nuc I hadn’t bothered to set it up again. This thread prompted me to do so.

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@woody4165 can you show your configuration? HA in Docker ?
I tried host:

  • localhost
  • (host addr)
    without any results

I have installed Hassio in docker on Ubuntu server.

I have installed Nodered just as posted here.

Just to let you know that now I have moved back to Nodered as Hassio addon because I had issue with correct timezone and I haven’t found a way to fix it.

How you install hassio in docker ?

I have followed this guide.

Literally right there in the installation page.