I’m trying to install Hassio in a Ubuntu server environment with Docker (I just followed this guide) and I would like to have Node-RED in another container, not as an addon.
So I installed also Node-RED and then installed Portainer to have a management GUI for Docker.
I downloaded the Node-RED node-red-contrib-home-assistant and tried to add the HA server using http://hostIP:8123 and the API Password.
But I get the error “Cannot GET homeassistant/entities”.
I’ve tried, one at a time, all the nodes available for HA, using API password or Long Lived Access Token, but I’ve never succeeded.
If I open a console within the Node-RED container and try to telnet the host IP address (the Ubuntu Server one) and the HA port 8123, all is ok.
So from Node-RED I should see HA, but not within the HA node.
Just tried and it’s not working.
When I create the server connection, after confirming and deploying, when I enter again in the server configuration Base URL and token are gone.
I tried also creating a new server, but no news.
I haven’t selected “Use Legacy API Password” and “Accept Unauthorized SSL Certificates”.
He’s using docker, and hassio, but not an add-on. His IP address would be that of the host machine, and not localhost or since inside the docker container, it would be referring to itself.