since a few years I use the mqtt binary sensor for my motion sensors 433mhz. Works good. But since last update of hass, all these motion sensors and the 433mhz temp. sensors disappeared.
Strange thing is, the mqtt switches still work. But they are more or less the same as the sensors. What went wrong?
binary_sensor 1:
platform: mqtt
name: "beweging-overloop"
state_topic: "ninjaCape/input/#"
payload_on: "101111100100010011011111"
payload_off: "000000"
device_class: motion
switch 1:
platform: mqtt
name: "avl"
state_topic: "ninjaCape/input/110"
command_topic: "ninjaCape/output/11"
payload_on: "000000011100110000001001"
payload_off: "000000011100110000000100"
optimistic: true
qos: 0
retain: true
sensor 11:
platform: mqtt
state_topic: "ninjaCape/input/310101"
name: "temperatuur sensor-boven"
qos: 0
unit_of_measurement: "°C"