[SOLVED] History shows legend instead of graph

I have a sensor that retrieves currency rate with multiscrape
But it only shows up as legend, not as a graph

If i put unit_of_measurement: "EUR" on the sensor, it doesnt show decimals Only integer

Value is 4 decimals, is that the issue? How do i fix it

To be displayed as graph it must be a graphable value.

What is the device_class of the sensor? Monetary ?

I have tried that as well


And the sensors is set as below

    - unique_id: Euro_buy
      name: Euro-buy
      select: "#pair_61 > div.contentBox > div.innerContainerWrap.first > div.pid-61-bid.innerContainer"
      device_class: "Monetary"
      unit_of_measurement: "EUR"

I had to solve it with a template sensor inorder to correct decimal sign (from “,” to “.”)

- platform: template
       friendly_name: Euro-Kurs
       unit_of_measurement: "EUR"
       value_template: "{{ states('sensor.euro_buy')|replace(',', '.') }}"

The additional template is not necessary.
You did not reply to my post but to the topic so I didn’t see your attempt.

A template value can be defined in the scrape definition itself.

  - unique_id: Euro_buy
    name: Euro-buy
    select: "#pair_61 > div.contentBox > div.innerContainerWrap.first > div.pid-61-bid.innerContainer"
    device_class: "Monetary"
    unit_of_measurement: "EUR"
    value_template: "{{ value.replace(',', '.') }}"