SOLVED - Home Assistant Plug-In for Tasker not working (not valid Json message)

Hi to all,

I’m trying to integrate tasker with HA, and I installed the HA Plug-In for tasker.

I have followed all the instructions to configure the plu-in:

Server Configuration:
Generate a Long-Lived Access Token in Home Assistant.

  1. Create a new Task in Tasker.
  2. Add an Action: ‘Plugin’ > ‘Home Assistant Plug-In for Tasker’ to the Task.
  3. Tap the edit button by ‘Configuration’.
  4. Tap the ‘+’ button near the top right to add a new Home Assistant server.
  5. Enter the details for your Home Assistant server. The Base URL must include the protocol, and not a trailing backslash (eg: ).
  6. Test the server, then click ‘Save’.

When I press the Check Server button all is ok and “connection seccessfull” has beed displayed.


Call A Service

  1. Create a new Task in Tasker.
  2. Add the Action ‘Plugin’ > ‘Home Assistant Plug-In for Tasker’ > ‘Call Service’ to the Task.
  3. Select a Server, or add a new one as above.
  4. Select a Service, and optionally enter Service Data in JSON format.
    Here I fullfill with the following data:
    service: switch.toogle
    service data (JSON,optional): {“entity_id”: “switch.suitejose_luz_techo”}
  5. Test the Service call, then click ‘Save’.
    When I test the service tasker show the following message:

JSON error

I tested exactly the same in developer_tools in HA and the switch works perfectly. I can’t see any error in the JSON format.

Ges State:
This option works OK and I can get the state of different devices.

Please any help about this?.

Thanks in advance.


it seems that is necessary to start to write the service box and then select the option, if you write directly the option the rror in JSON is displayed…

Did you fix this issue? I’m having exactly the same issue, but do not find how to solve it!!


I don’t remember exactly, but I think that is neceesary to change the order of some steps and first start to write the service box and then, select the option…

Thanks for our quick answer! I finally solved the issue. Just changing entity_id by device_id!! really weird…

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Please could you share an example, I tried but I don’t know what you mean.

I am currently testing this, but I call a service called statusbot. statusbot is my Telegram integration (Telegram - Home Assistant) to log things when I am testing. I can see the messages on my phone or at the computer.

Using this:
service: notify.statusbot
service data: {“message": "Testing Tasker”}
sends me a Telegram message when the Tasker Profile runs.