SOLVED: HomematicIP Support for HmIP-ESI - works with custom_homematic by danielperna84

It is an energy meter based on HomematicIP which supports HT/NT and power generation e. g. by solar. It is a new device, currently unsupported. If I can assist with my device I will help.

In case you’re using the core integration currently, consider switching to the custom component. It will try to detect sensors automatically, so you’ll probably get most of the values you need.

Thank you very much for your Suggestion. That is really an interesting approach. But first I have to Install Hacs which I currently not use and afterwards reconfigure all components. Thats unfortuantely too time consuming around Christmastime. But I will keep it in mind!

Now I created a variable and a small Script to fill it with the value I need. With a virtual Sensors in HA I made the Attributes of the ccu3 visible in the Dashboard.

Hi Daniel, I installed HACS and your custom Integration now successfully. Just one question. Ist it possible to run it in parallel to the Homematic Integration of Home Assistent to Setup the devices in parallel? As soon as the new ones are configured I will delete the old Integration and devices/entities and change the Ui and automations. Thank you in advance

No, that’s not recommended. You should follow these steps: Migration from Core Integration to Custom Component · danielperna84/custom_homematic Wiki · GitHub

Ah, thanks a lot. Then I have to document everything first but that is Okay. It will just take a little bit more time:-)

“The REST API that the Core Integration uses (GitHub - hahn-th/homematicip-rest-api: A python wrapper for the homematicIP REST API (Access Point Based)) has already been updated and can use the energy meter. Can someone integrate the current REST API into the Core Component? Then the issue would also be resolved for IP Cloud users.”

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With the new 2023.3 release, the actual REST API is now available and the device HMIP-ESI is recognized by HomeAssistant

However, only the device and a battery sensor are visible . No other entities are offered:

I’m still new in the HomeAssistant world, but what can or must I do so that the device is also available as an energy meter, e.g. in the Energy Dashboard?

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Hi Daniel, took some time but finally switched to your custom integration. Everything works great, even there are two minor topics about the lock to figure out (create something to have a sensor for the current lock state and how to create a button to directly open the door - not the lock. There is a button to do that but first it is needed to open the door lock dialog to see this option).

Thank you very much for your work! Should really replace the builtin integration in my opinion. Much more customer oriented and everything works out of the box like a charm.

Same here. Did you find a solution that worked for your setup? I’m particularly interested in any steps or tips you discovered for successfully adding your device

Hello Daniel,
if I am right, you need to have a CCU to switch to your custom component. I only have a home control access point from Homematic (HMIP-HAP). So I would have to wait for the updated core integration, right?

With the HAP you can only use the cloud integration that‘s already available. You have to switch the hardware if you want to use the core integration or the custom component / new integration.

No, I have no solution so far. I’m also using the HAP as Homematic IP base.

However, there is already an open issue for the implementation of the needed sensors → Update of the Homematic IP Cloud Rest API für HmIP-ESI-IEC · Issue #109055 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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