Solved:How can get the unique ID for my ip camera?

I install ip webcamera apk in an used old android phone,make an integration.

  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: "home"
    input: -f rtsp -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:8554/live

The hass say:

This entity (‘camera.home’) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI. See the documentation for more detail.

How can i get the unique ID for my used old android phone?

See the FAQ that you posted the link to :wink:

I have read the manual :
a result, the normal editing process that allows you to change various settings through the user interface (such as the entity ID, icon, friendly name, etc.) is not possible here.

Typically, you’ll see this when you create entities manually using YAML, but it can also appear if the integration that provides this entity, cannot determine a unique ID. This however is not an error, but just a limitation of the integration you use.

1.user can’t set it manually. is not an error

So just let it be,i can do nothing,am i right?

If the yaml integration does not support a unique_id, you can’t add it to an entity. So your only option is to wait until the integration supports unique_id.

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Correct. As Petro said if the integration doesn’t support unique_id then it doesn’t support it - there’s nothing you can do.