[SOLVED] How do I get Danfoss Ally thermostat exposed in HA from deCONZ?

I’ve improved general support to thermostats based on what I could guess from api documentation and talking to devs. I don’t have any real knowledge about the actual supported devices

For “motor slow response” I am opening separate topic Danfoss Ally valve: Slow actuator response [solved]. Here it is lost in other topics.

Hm… Quite newbee in this forum… I’ve have the Raspbee II with FW 26610700/2.7.1/081220. deConz can’t see the thermostats - am I missing something? Do I need to push or initiate something before connecting - in the display there is a blinking antenna/radio icon?!?

@SJS Yes, you have to initiate pairing process in deCONZ UI (Phoscon) and then follow manual of Danfoss Ally Valve (probably you have to hold the button on the valve). Then you will see the valve in web UI. If not, try to update to latest deCONZ test version (and update firmware in USB dongle).

Perfect - finally found it from the Danfoss Eco - which it NOT Zigbee. See this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2_J_2bIfWo for info… Thanks @mazal

Does anybody know how to dis/enable the child lock? I’m not able to change target temp on the unit it self. Nothing happens when I turn the “handle”.

I have updated to HA 2020.12.0 and can report better Danfoss Ally control :slight_smile:

The errors I reported earlier have gone and thermostat control via scenes is working. Very nice :slight_smile:

I will have a look at @kimahry comments, and see if I experience the same,

Awesome! Thanks for the feedback!

Hi per

Are you 100% sure that the thermostat is received that set point from HA?
Can you hear that the valve is moving during change in set point value? @PerJ ?

Hi guys,
I have read all the discussion above but I am not able to connect the Danfoss Ally to the Phoscon web app.
It shows up in Deconz but not in Phoscon. I am using a Conbee (not Conbee II).
Can you give an advice how to execute the pairing?
Thanks a lot!


Hi Per,
how did you add it to Phoscon?
I have a ConBee and I can see the Ally in Deconz but can’t get it added to Phoscon.
Thanks for your help!

Sorry for answering a bit late.

@Morten_Christensen - yes I am sure. I can alter the temp in HA, it immediately shows up in the displat on the thermostat, and I also hear the motor opening the valve. Heat flows a few sec after.

@caccia78 - it was a bit fiddly to make a connection with the Conbee II stick. It took approx 5 minutes, unfortunately I don’t recall precisely how I did it. Sorry.
As I remember it, it was pressing the one button for approx 10 secs, and after some tries it worked. You must add it as sensor. Hope this helps


@caccia78 I was able to add it by simply adding a new sensor in Phoscon. But I had to reset the Ally for some reasons first.
The behaviour you have with seeing it in Deconz but not in Phoscon is correct. You will still be able to control it via Home Assistant, only if you want to remove it you will have to use Deconz.

Another question: My Ally is reporting the wrong temperature (like 2-3 C to high) compared with multiple other sensors I used to check it. Has anyone an Idea how I might be able to fix this?

So did anyone get a battery status in HA?
Also what is that sensor.time_24 ?

I suppose this Time and date.

Yeah time and date - but why a sensor for that?

Btw how do you get battery status?

:slight_smile: you are right its pretty useless. I didn’t do anything special except install like in one of the threads above.

I got a battery entity a little later after pairing. All OK now :+1:

stupid Q from a Dane that are looking in to getting these

i can add them as a sensor in phoscon, even thou they are technical a valve i suppose that has to make do, phoscon people dont seem to care to make it look right

but are there other pitfalls i have to think of?