[SOLVED] How to add card from github using HACS

Hi everybody. Fairly new here. Ive managed to install HA and setup NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy
/ DuckDNS to access from mobile. Loving it so far.

Now I cant to install a card that. I found what I want at GitHub - ljmerza/light-entity-card: Control any light or switch entity but cant work out how to install it. The readme mentison using HACS so I looked for the card in it and it did not seem to be there. Do I need to install a repository? I tried GitHub - ljmerza/light-entity-card: Control any light or switch entity & ljmerza (Leonardo Merza) · GitHub but this does not seem to work. Did a bit of googeling and no joy.

Any help would be mutch apreciated.


Have you downloaded HACS?

Thanks for replying.

I can go to https://mydomain.duckdns.org:8123/hassio/dashboard and there is a ADD-ON STORE button at the bottom. I did not specificaly download/install HACS but used Raspberry Pi - Home Assistant (writing image with Balene Etcher) to install it.

So HACS seems to be there but not sure how to add the GitHub - ljmerza/light-entity-card: Control any light or switch entity card.

I used this setup method as I wanted to Boot my Pi of a SSD, maybe this was a bad ideas?

HACS is not the Add-on Store. It is something separate so I suggest you read the instructions in the previously posted link above.

Thanks, looking at it. I used the Balena Etcher install method and as it was on Raspberry Pi - Home Assistant so I asume I meet the I am running a suported instalation method. “Supported means the installation method is tested and documented in the official documentation. Running Home Assistant using such a supported method, leads to the optimal user experience.”. So I think I am OK.

Also " You are aware that there are no add-ons in HACS.".

So this means I will not be able to use ‘Advanced SSH & Web Terminal’, ‘Duck DNS’ or ‘NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy’ ?

Which is a shame as I cant find mutch about how to SSH into HA or setup HTTPS without using these. Maybe I need to reinstall with a diferent Instalation method? Whitch is fine, its all a learning experience.

Would I be able to use my configuration backup after reinstalling with HACS or do I need to redo everything?

Sorry for all the questinos, again thanks for your help.

HACS is not a replacement for the Add-on Store. It is a way of installing the very things you are asking about installing. It makes it much easier to install and keep them up to date.

Thanks " You are aware that there are no add-ons in HACS." confused me and made me thing it was either one or the other.