[solved] Howto display temperature value instead of thermometer icon on picture glance card?


I would like to display the current value for the outside temperature on a picture glance card.
So far, I have created a sensor that extracts it from the weather card and in the ‘developer tools’ I get the right output.

If I use that sensor in the picture glance card, it displays a thermometer instead of the value.
Can anyone please point out on how to get this done?


You can’t hide the icon, but you can show the state and icon by setting this entity option:

show_state: true

See: https://www.home-assistant.io/lovelace/picture-glance/#show_state

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Thank you Tom, this works!

I was trying things and now that I know the solution it makes sense but not before when reading/searching about the picture glance card… :blush:

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Hi Nick,

Could you please share how you extracted the outside temperature from the weather card?

Many thanks,

Hi @shadsnz, if you go to “Develepor Tools” → “Template”, you find a few examples.
For the outside temperature, the weather is retrieved from met.no when you first configure your system and add a location.
You find what is retrieved in “Developer Tools” → “States” and filter for “weather”.
Now with a template, you ‘extract’ the desired value (test it in “Template”):

{{ state_attr('weather.<NameOfYourHAInstallation>', 'temperature') }}


Got it. Thanks!

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