#Solved# Hue Motion Sensor missing "motion" entity?

Hey togehter,

I just recently joined the home assistant club and am still learning the ropes (coming from fhem).

While still discovering the potential of hass I was getting a new hue motion sensor for my home (Hue Motion sensor (SML003)).
It shows up fine in the philips hue app on my phone, but not so much in hass.

It is recognized and showing the light and temperature sensor data, but is missing its core function… the motion detection output?

In the device configuration it only shows the luminance and temperature readings.

It shows up as four entities (the illuminance switch is not doing much, not changing when motion is detected) but no motion:

When I try to create a automation using the motion-activated light template it shows that it could not find any motion sensor entity…


Sometimes the solution is quite simple…

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Well sort of, I resolved my issue by resetting and deleting the motion sensor from the hue app. Then I paired it again and now it also found the missing motion entity!

This topic was useful to read, but didn’t resolve my very similar problem where everything paired nicely and reported data, yet I never received a motion detected event from the Hue. I tried everything above, plus battery check, re-pairing multiple times out of frustration, etc. - nothing worked. SOLUTION: almost by accident, I plugged in a spare Zigbee repeater that was within about 5 feet of the Hue … and then I started receiving motion detected and motion clear (end of motion?) events. [ detail: the repeater is the type that comes with IKEA Trådfri blinds. I didn’t need 2 repeaters next to the 2 blinds I installed next to each other, so I moved one of the repeaters near the Hue. I don’t know if the brand is magical or not, my theory is the signal strength was “good enough” ]