SOLVED I can not find Mysensors persistance file!

OK, first off I have an Ethernet gateway setup with one water tank level sensor node. It now works fine.

But I am trying to tidy things up a bit. The sensor has been duplicated in HA and is not the child ID I set in the sketch.

This is the part that I declare the child ID in the sketch

#define MY_NODE_ID 1    // comment out this line if you use dynamic id's
#define CHILD_ID_WATER 1

This is my config.yaml

# Mysensors gateway configuration
    - device: ''
      persistence_file:  '/mysensors3.json'
      tcp_port: 5003
  version: 2.3
  optimistic: false
  persistence: true
  retain: true

1st question is, why cant I see ‘mysensors3.json’ in the config folder? I am thinking if I can find it, then I can edit it to get rid of unwanted entities?

If I try and put anything in front of the file path, the logs go crazy and state they can not find the json file or create it. When I leave it as above all seems fine and the sensors appear in Dev tools, states.

BUT I have multiple entries that I want to get rid of… Can anyone point me in the right direction of what i am doing wrong please?



Just a follow up on this in case anyone else has the same issues.
I reflashed both the sensor and the gateway with the ‘ClearEEpromConfig’ sketch, then changed the JSOn path to '/config/mysensors3.json and restarted HA.
I then reflashed the gateway with the ethernet gateway sketch and connected it to the network.
Lastly I reflashed the sensor node with my custom Node and child ID’s.
Once this had been done home assistant gave itself a talking to and everthing is as it should be now.
Hope that helps someone else avoid spending so much time troubleshooting.