[Solved] Ikea Tradfri two bulbs with one Entity / Switch etc


I’ am new to HA and spend a lot of time in the last days to setup my basic smart home functions with Home Assistent. Not easy, but well designed and a good choice so far.

I’ve integrated some Ikea Tradfri lamps with the Ikea Integration connected to my Ikea Gateway. Works very well so far.

But i have one issue which i’am not able to solve on my own. No help on the YouTube Academy :wink: or on the blogs or here in the forum as far as i can say.

I have two lamps which share one remote and are used as one in my setup. Regardless if i put it on or off, set the brigthness or the light temperature. The lamps are in sync. And i wan’t to preserve this in HA.

This means: one actor to operate both lamps as one with all the functions.

Has someone solved this? Or can one give me a push in the reight direction?

Sorry, I’m not sure I understand your question correctly. Do you want to combine the two ikea lights into one? Then you might need something like a light group:
Light Group - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)

Yes, i think you are right. In the end it is a group of twi lights. But i do not want “to see” the two lights. And moreover i want to adjust brightness and light color / light temperature for both devices together.

And i ant to have to visual as in the last part in the picture in my post.

This is what i get, when i configure one Ikea lamp in HA. And i want to have this 1:1 but with effekt to both lamps.

Hope i’am accurate enough to explain what i mean

You can simply hide/not use the two individual lights in the user interface and have the light group displayed instead

Exactly this is possible with a light group :wink:

So yes, all in all, a light group is exactly what you want :slight_smile:

Hi CM000n,

thanks for you help!

Maybe i’am standing on the wire :wink:

I’ve created a group (i think i did) and i can switch all lights from that group on and off with a switch. But i simply do not get how to adjust brightness and color temperatur together and how to hide the two “detail” lamps of that group…

type: entities
  - entity: light.lampe_a
    secondary_info: brightness
  - entity: light.lampe_b
    secondary_info: brightness
title: Licht Küche
state_color: true
  type: buttons
  entities: []

I can do it for each “detail” lamp, but not for both of them together. Or i simply do not know how to archive that…

This is not a group, you just put the two lights inside a card.

Check the docs here on how to add a light group.

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Hi @HomeTrainee , you didn’t create a light group in the backennd, you just created a Lovelace card with both lights in the fontend :wink:

Please follow the instructions under Light Group - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)

If you want, you can also write me a PM in German. Maybe then it can be explained better :wink:

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Hi Burningstone, hi CM000n

i feared something like this. I was only looking for “Cards”. I was not aware that i had to create them on my own. Anyway it works!


But one last question in this:

I would like to have just a switch and not such a large button, but preserving the functionalty. Is this also possible?

Yes, use an entities card as you did in your example before you created the light group.

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Arrrghhh. Now i got it. I trapped into the Card with the Light, because it showed me my “new group” with the Name i gave it. I thougt i build a new card… i was not aware that it was an Entity based on two Entities…


Thanks again for pushing me forward! Solved!

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Glad that you got it to work :slight_smile: