I’m having an issue with my Zigbee sensors, they suddenly stopped working properly. I can see that they are sending the zigbee messages as expected, but the temperature is not being refreshed, it stays at the same value for long periods of time. The strange thing is that the other values are working, like air pressure or humidity, so I don’t know what to do.
Here you have a picture of what I mean:
Obviously the temperature is changing among the time, and if I press the button on the sensors, sometimes it changes (The changes that you can see in the middle of the picture).
I restarted the Zigbee add-on and in the log everything seems to be OK, no errors or warnings, permit join is false, and there are messages from the sensors as before. Someone with the same issue or that knows what is happening?
Oh, I forgot to mention that one of the sensors is almost new, and they have battery.
Thanks a lot in advance.