SOLVED. LightwaveRF Mood / Scene controllers with RFXtrx / RFXCOM

Ive read the documentation and understand to a certain degree but I was after some explanations to assist in something I am trying to get working.

I am trying to get a LightwaveRF Generation 1 Scene/mood remote to trigger automations in HA. The Scene/mood switch 6 button RF remote that just sends out codes when a button is pressed. There is a different code for each of the 6 buttons.

I have a RFXtrx 433XL connected to a Raspberry Pi running HA. Everything is fine in that the signals are detected by the RFXtrx and using the HA Integration the Switches are detected.

The problem is in the way they are detected. There is either a problem with this (there are a few threads on this but I cannot find a solution) or a problem with the way I am understanding how these entities operate.

The integration seems to pick up the remotes as 2 different entities. For example:

From what I have read it seems to be the the first 2 buttons of the remote are the :1 Entity and the other 4 are the :16 Entity
So the :1 Entity has 2 buttons, one ON and one OFF. I can run an automation off this but I cant get my head around the fact that it is like a toggle switch rather than 2 momentary switches (if that makes any sense).
The main problem is the :16 Entity. This never shows ON whichever buttons are pressed so these other 4 buttons are useless. Any again there is only ON/OFF rather than a different state of each switch.

As I said before, each button fires out a different RF code, which I have recorded. Is there a way to store each of those codes (buttons) as a separate Entity? I have tried to manually add another entity via the integration using another buttons RF code but its says the entity is already recorded, I guess a the code contains the same ID number?

The Integration also makes another Entity as a Binary Sensor

Like I said, I am just trying to get my head around entities and whether I am trying to approach this in the right way or I am completely misunderstanding this? Rather than getting a solution as something I just copy I am trying to work it out to further my understanding, but I cant find either at the moment.

Any help would be appreciated.


Don’t know if this will help, but I’ve done something similar to control LightwaveRF switches using a Broadlink RF controller.

I copied the RF codes that the Broadlink recorded to create separate on and off commands in HA:

  - platform: broadlink
    mac: a043b05517ac
      - name: study_spotlights

This gives a single entity: switch.study_spotlights.

In this case command_on is the right-hand button on the controller and command_off is the left-hand button.

Don’t know whether your RFXtrx 433XL can do something similar.

Thanks. Yes I have all the data, I think I need to work out how to manually create an Entity. Because the RFXtrx Integration has now gone into the OS its documented not to put anything in the configuration yaml.

I just need to work out how to enter this info manually to create an Entity or I suppose I can create an event?


SOLVED with events!

I will document below and change the title in case there is anyone in the future struggling to get it to work.

You need to use the integration to automatically add the LightwaveRF Mood/Scene controllers. Make sure automatic add is ticked in the integration configuration and then press all the button on the controller.
Each physical controller gets added as two Entities - xxxxxx:1 and xxxxxx:16 as shown below

The :1 Entity is the two main, big buttons and the :16 Entity is the other four smaller buttons. If you are using the “old” version of the controller and the :16 Entity is not picked up, flick the switch in the back of the remote (the “new” version does not have the switch)

Once you have the controller added you need to make sure “Enable device event” is ticked for each controller :1 and :16. Go to the RFXTRX integration and select “Configure”, “Select device to configure” and “Submit”. Here you can select the tick box. You need to do this for all controllers/devices.

Now you have the controllers set up and configured to fire an event when the buttons are pressed you can go over to “Developer Tools”, “Events”. There you can subscribe to the event “rfxtrx_event” and press the buttons on your controller. Then you should get code similar to below. Here you can extract all the ID numbers and event data you need.

To to create an action from presses on the Mood/Scene controller you need to head over to Automations. Create a new automation and select the Trigger type as “Event” and then use the data you captured to fill in the rest. Example below

Then you can fill in the “Condition” and “Action” sections to suit.

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