[Solved] Melcloud integration issue

I had set up melcloud integration with previous version of home assistant and its a fantastic integration!.
But due to various probems I needed to do a new installation, done with home assistant version 0.97.2 running on a raspberry pi b+

I followed all steps copy all melcloud integration files on /config/custom_components/melcloud/
Added all config in configuration.yaml:

  - name: Aire Habitacions
    platform: melcloud
    email: [email protected]
    password: xxxxxx

But when I try to validate configuration, it stucks checking configuration and no succsess, but not fail, it remains checking forever.

If I comment the configuration.yaml part the checking works good.
I’m little lost because don’t know about this error.

Try running the command line check - that should provide you with more information.

I do a downgrade to V 0.96.0 but same results.

following your steps:

After execute:

hassio homeassistant check

Result with climate code commented:

#Aire Acondicionat
#  - name: Aire Habitacions
#    platform: melcloud
#    email: [email protected]
#    password: xxxxxx


Result removing comment on climate unit:

#Aire Acondicionat
  - name: Aire Habitacions
    platform: melcloud
    email: [email protected]
    password: xxxxxx

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

Found the problem, when download it, chrome insert the html code inside archives.
solved downloading again
In addition need to remove the tag - name: because give me another error.
The configuration.yaml is like this

#Aire Acondicionat
  - platform: melcloud
    email: [email protected]
    password: xxxxxx

Finally updated to version 0.97.2 and working perfectly!

Thank you! you are awesome!