I have added the mopidy addon from https://github.com/bestlibre/hassio-addons.git to my homeassistant (the version which is running on raspbian in a container; v 0.111.2)
The mopidy addon throws the following error:
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/share/mopidy/playlists'
Where is the plugin looking for this directory? Is it mapped from inside the container to the host? Can I map it?
Thoughts? Tips?
the documentation says
“The local media can be stored on /share (which allow an access through the samba addon). By default the directory for media is /share/mopidy/media. Since /share is read-only, the directory must be created from another addon or directly on the host.”
I made that directory on the host and set the permissions to 777
but that didn’t help
In my setup the share
directory was expected to be under /usr/share/hassio/
(All those different deployment models are quite confusing for a simple newbie like myself)
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/hassio/share/mopidy/playlists
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/hassio/share/mopidy/media