SOLVED! MQTT not working as before


since i updatet HA to 5.2 all MQTT “sensor” entrys are shown as not present.
But all MQTT “binary.sensor” and “switch” working fine!

mosquitto is installed and i can listen to those missing messages/entrys.

here a part of the configuration.yaml:


 - platform: mqtt
   name: "Solar SERVER Ampere"
   state_topic: "homesys/Solar MPPT/LOAD1 A"
   unit_of_measurement: "A"

 - platform: mqtt
   name: "PI CPU Temp"
   state_topic: "homesys/pi/sys/cpu/temperatur"

these are working:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "IN1"
    state_topic: "homesys/pi/shift_inputs/in1"
    payload_on: "1"
    payload_off: "0"
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "IN2"
    state_topic: "homesys/pi/shift_inputs/in2"
    payload_on: "1"
    payload_off: "0"

Can someone help?

I really don’t see what is wrong. Did you check you still receive messages on those sensors ?

as i said, i can listen to those missing…
but in HA those sensors dont show up

You should not have spaces in MQTT topics.

You don’t have, by any chance, twice


in your configuration.yaml ?

but i didnt change anything except update to HA 5.2, with exactly those settings it was running good before…

It might well have done - but it shouldn’t be done.
MQTT Topics, Wildcards, & Best Practices - MQTT Essentials: Part 5.

Maybe it is a bug in 2022.5.2? Try upgrading to 2022.5.4.

You don’t have, by any chance, twice


in your configuration.yaml ?

Ohh, that was the error!
Yes, there were two “sensor” in conf…

Thank you, now it works again!

@HA admins/programmers:

Could you please do a better check of configuration.yaml?
With this error i received the message “file is ok” when click on verify conf…

My guess is that the regular / built-in check is probably just to check the structure / syntax - I’m sure other experts could comment/confirm on this.

Either way, I have found that the Studio Code Server add-on works pretty well. I just did a quick and dirty test and got these:
… and the add-on has saved me a couple of times already.