[solved] MQTT with SSL/TLS not working with Home Assistant

Ah, I now see the problem - I said that the option was called certification, when it’s actually called certificate. Sorry, my bad.

I’m using the MQTT add-on but running into this problem even if I set the certificate to the same file.

MQTT Add-on Config

  - username: '!secret mqtt_username'
    password: '!secret mqtt_password'
  active: false
  folder: mosquitto
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
require_certificate: false


  certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  broker: !secret mqtt_ip
  port: !secret mqtt_port
  username: !secret mqtt_username
  password: !secret mqtt_password
  tls_insecure: true

I’ve also tried setting:

  client_cert: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  client_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
  broker: !secret mqtt_ip
  port: !secret mqtt_port
  username: !secret mqtt_username
  password: !secret mqtt_password
  tls_insecure: true

but doesn’t help. For both the logs of MQTT show that it is finding the cert:

[02:49:40] INFO: Setting up user homeassistant
[02:49:40] INFO: Certificates found: SSL is available

But then the version error on connection:

1626688294: New connection from on port 8883.
1626688294: OpenSSL Error[0]: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number
1626688294: Socket error on client <unknown>, disconnecting.
1626688296: Client connection from failed: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number.

There are 3 files:

  • CA certificate,
  • Server certificate,
  • Server Key

In mosquito you need to supply all 3 (certfile is the server certificate, not CA; iirc CA was declared by cafile:)

In configuration.yaml certificate: is the ca cert. You don’t need client_cert: and client_key: if you’ve set mosquito with require_certificate: false. CA cert (certificate:), however, is required.

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Ah thanks, for that clarification. Your earlier post [solved] MQTT with SSL/TLS not working with Home Assistant - #3 by fufs said to use certfile in mosquitto config. Using cafile instead made it work.

Though seems that I can’t use TLS everywhere since not all the MQTT clients I’m using can be configured with the certificate.

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Yeah, I’m not sure what I was smoking back then :sweat_smile::joy:.
Steve’s internet guide has made an updated TLS guide, with all of the stuff clearly explained, it’s a good read, if you feel like it. Also if you want to make it a bit more secure you can add domain (and ip addresses) to the cert and remove tls_insecure: false.

This is a guide I wrote for my future self, enjoy!

  1. Create CA private key (recommended to create password)
    $ openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 2048

  2. Generate CA certificate (valid for 20 years)
    $ openssl req -new -x509 -days 7300 -key ca.key -out ca.crt

  3. Create server-side private key
    $ openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

  4. Create a configuration file - this you must do on your own, here is an example:

[ req ]
default_bits = 2048
prompt = no
default_md = sha256
distinguished_name = dn
req_extensions = v3_req

[ dn ]
C = XX
ST = Province
L = Cty
O = OrgName
CN = domain.local

[ v3_req ]
subjectAltName = @alt_names

DNS.1 = domain.local
DNS.2 = 192.168.0.xxx

What to change?
The dn section is the details of your certificate. Available variables can be found at What is a Distinguished Name (DN)? or by googling “distinguished name ssl”
The alt_names section are the FQDNs of the sites that the certificate will be used for. This is used by browsers to confirm that a given certificate was meant for a given site.

Save it as server.cnf

  1. Create a certificate request from a configuration file (this is a file containing all the details for a CA to create a server-side certificate, since we are the ca we’ll generate (sign) it ourselves, hence the name self-signed)
    $ openssl req -new -config server.cnf -key server.key -out server.csr -extensions v3_req

  2. Create the server-side certificate (10 years)
    $ openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -extfile server.cnf -extensions v3_req

This uses a workaround due to a bug to get x509v3 extensions working (SANs). By the time this was written the bug was fixed and a solution has been created, but not released.

-extfile server.cnf -extensions v3_req
-copy_extensions copyall

When creating you first certificate with the CA use the -CAcreateserial flag, however, if this is not your first cert then use -CAserial ca.srl option to load your already existing serial file.

  1. Add CA certificate, Server certificate and server key to the mosquitto.conf file (cafile, certfile, keyfile) and require_certificate false. Add CA certificate to configuration.yaml (certificate). You can use certificate based authentication as well - set require_certificate true in mosquitto.conf and add client_cert: and client_key: in configuration.yaml.

Hey fufs,

Thanks for the guide, but I’m still not getting a connection over 8883. The only part of your guide I’m not sure on is this part:

I want both 1883 and 8883 enabled, (insecure for LAN traffic, secure for remote MQTT clients over WAN), so I believe I leave out " - set require_certificate true in mosquitto.conf" for this. But I’m not sure what should be in configuration.yaml and mosquitto.yaml.

Thanks again,

You need two mosquitto servers (can be on the same machine) and you need to link them. There should be such entry in mosquitto.conf

In HA: Put you CA certificate in /config or any other subfolder of /config. Then in configuration.yaml under mqtt: add certificate: /path/to/cacert. Use certfile: and certkey: only for certificate based authentication (for iot devices keep away from certificate based auth)

For protected and unprotected use my solution above but do remember that it’s not secure as all traffic from encrypted mqtt will be visible on the unencrypted one

There’s nothing in my mosquitto.conf file. None of the guides have included it. I definitely have no idea how to have two servers, let alone linked. Can you share your MQTT broker setup and .conf?

And all of the guides have said to leave out the mqtt: block from configuration.yaml, since it’s in the integration now. I’m fine with the homeassistant mqtt client using insecure to talk to the mqtt broker, since they are on the same network. But I want the mqtt clients that are connected through the WAN to be encrypted, such as my sprinkler controller in a different city. Right now I can’t get clients on the LAN or from the WAN to connect to the MQTT broker with 8883, so my broker settings are wrong probably?

Putting the mqtt: block in configuration.yaml stopped the insecure traffic from working (1884), and did not fix the secure problem (8883).

Sorry for all the questions, I’m lost on this one.

Maybe I’m getting this part wrong too. My hostname is RPI-HA
CN, should that be RPI-HA or RPI-HA.local?

For [alt names], should I have DNS.1 = RPI-HA or RPI-HA.local?
For DNS.2 = Host IP or IP of the client?
Should I add DNS.3 = mqtt.example.com


Open a new thread for that and I’ll send all the required documentation there

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Send your mqtt entry from configuration.yaml

Also cn is not that important, alt names are but only if you want certification provider confirmation (you do for wan)

Could you please send me the part that you`ve use in your config.yaml(mqtt part) and mqtt add-oc config with the names used in your example config?

Im new in this certificate stuff and Im not clear what is fullchain, privkey… You mention that we need 3 files but in config.yaml (or at least the thing that I`ve rd) are mentioned only 2 files.

I`m kind of lost and frustrated :).

Thank you!

so how can we make these certs when openssh is not installed ?

|Version |core-2022.4.7|
|Installation Type |Home Assistant OS|

and googling install openssl onto open assistant everyone says its not needed …
and give no information how to install it

“The fact that HA OS is considered an appliance, you can’t install anything on HA OS, except add-ons.”

Step 0. Install openssl

I believe it’s installed by default on raspbian

Sudo apt install openssl

Ofc you’ll need root privileges and terminal. Not sure if you can access either of those on HA OS

I Have ring-mqtt with the Mosquitto Broker and would like to make it Secure with SSL but not exactly sure how ??

I Have ring-mqtt with the Mosquitto Broker and would like to make it Secure with SSL but not exactly sure how ?? Does anyone know ? I am running Homeassistant OS on Rasberry PI 4 - I know files need to be copied to the SSL folder in HA

Hi @lordratner
Have you get it to work,?
I m struggling with the same problem

Do you have a sample config for your setup?

Br Dave