I cant get my flora device working. i use a python virt environment.
“flower care” found by “sudo hcitool lescan”
running in python virt env. Python 3.6.5
I have other bluetooth devices in my “known devices” file however i don’t think i have anything new in there since i upgraded to HA 69.1
how can i test BLE from within the python virt env?
If you are in HASSIO I don’t think you can, if in any other environment you just use the standard BT tools, hciscan, bluetoothctl etc. If they aren’t in your ve then install them.
It mentioned Bluetooth is a bit of a mess, but it told me i needed to ensure there were some dependencies.
from within my pythion virt env i did a :
pip install btlewrap (it was already installed)
pip install bluepy
bluepy gave me an error about missing glib stuff.
I came out of the virt env and did:
sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev
Went back into the python virt env again and did a
pip install bluepy (this installed successfully this time)
I then did:
sudo systemctl restart [email protected]
which did restart HA successfully without error, but the miflora still didnt report, but a full reboot did work!
(maybe i didnt wait long enough to poll?)