The sensor shows up in States with the name sensor.away_mode. If you then run this in Templates:
{% if is_state('sensor.away_mode', 'off') %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
It gives the expected feedback. Now i just need to figure out how to put this in my config because i think i need both. One to create the sensor and one to rename…
Another option instead of creating another sensor or storing the mode as Home/Away is to use custom UI to just change the frontend while leaving the sensor as a binary sensor. You can use a template attribute to change the way the binary sensor for away mode is shown in the UI:
You’ll need to install and activate andrey-git’s custom UI for that customization to work. I haven’t used a template attribute for it yet so I can’t tell you much more beyond that.
I just like having the sensor as a binary sensor so I can use it in automations as a boolean. I use Node-RED for automations and there’s cases where it’s just nice to have in boolean form. Then it’s just one less sensor that needs to be defined simply to display properly (separation of backend vs frontend responsibilities). The boolean sensor will also highlight the icon when it’s considered ‘on’, that may or may not be what you want.
If you really get into custom UI, you could probably get it to show the away mode on the climate entity’s card itself rather than needing a separate state card for it. That’s ultimately how I’d like to do it but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. For example, something like these would be nice, but they currently don’t work for climate.
If you don’t care about any of that, I don’t really know of any problem with just using the template sensor like that.
They’re just three separate entities in a group: climate, humidity sensor (from Nest component), and a template sensor for the away_mode attribute of climate.