[SOLVED] Nest thermostat status home/away

I know this is an old thread… I am wondering if the home/away status is available in the current Nest thermostat integration?

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I just had to upgrade from legacy Nest integration to the newer version hooked in with google, and i lost a lot of sensors. Is this normal? any way to get some of those back, specifically the home/away?


Same issue here. Would be really useful to have this, but it doesn’t seem available?

Home/Away is not exposed in the SDM API. Smart Device Management API  |  Device Access  |  Google Developers

You may want to try some of the integrations that use unofficial / unsupported APIs and like badnest or homebridge.

This is a pretty frustrating missing feature. probably one of the most useful features besides being able to change the temp and getting some status about temp/humidity.

was really hoping to use my home status, schedule, and geofencing to set the home and away based on some complicated things like day of week, times of day, and energy rate. now all I can do is set specific temps which is not as convenient as setting a nest schedule and an away ‘don’t exceed temp’ and then just telling nest when you are away or not. i guess this is fine too…

Would you know why my Nest Thermostat integration I do not have the Away_Mode?

You can use the Google assistant integration for this Exposing Google Home/Away mode to Home Assistant

Nest does not return this in the API as I mentioned a few messages ago.