I’m trying to building a new install. I used a script that brings it up on a Proxmox VM, so nothing strange there. Then I tried integrating a “common” device, a h801 rgbww board that I’m using with Espurna. Mqtt integration. The device publishes the pairing data itself.
The result was that only a simple switch made through the dashboard, but the wrong thing is that 2-3sec after switching on, it was changing to off in the interface and desynchronizing with the device.
I had another one in the desk so I installed ESPHome addon and burned with it using a cookbook recipe, but the result it’s the same. No RGB CW/WW widget and desync.
I only get a recurring division by zero error in the logs.
EDIT: Solved! Seems that the templates on internet where outdated or simply bad. Made my own rgb+cwww device and it works. Settled with EspHome as the other one wasn’t working reliably.