[SOLVED] [Node-RED] Writing to a file which is not publicable accessible?


I have managed to write files using the Node-RED add-on. The location to write files to is /homeassistant/www/ as mentioned by @frenck.

Is there a way to write the file to a location which is not publicable accessible?

Thanks in advance.

You need to setup access to your media folder.

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Thanks, I will try that later on.

@Mikefila Do you mean Node-RED files can be accessable on these lcations (/media) ?

Node-RED files cannot add lines to the file stored in /media, to bad. :roll_eyes:

BTW I added it to my config as mentioned in your post.

It is working but not when using sub-directories. @Mikefila Thank you!

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What files are you trying to access? I use /media to store photos, text files, etc. I can write or read anything stored in that location from node red.

lol I see the update :+1:

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@Mikefila I’m trying to mark this topic as solved, how do I do that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

EDIT: I changed the topic title, which should do I guess. Anyway, thank you for your solution, it’s appreciated @Mikefila :+1: