[Solved] Odd errors during aarlo setup

Hey guys, I’m not experienced enough to figure out what’s going on here, and I’m hoping someone here can. Here’s all the information I have.

Plugin : Arlo Camera Support
Version : b12

Relevant config:

  - platform: aarlo

  username: !secret arlo_username
  password: !secret arlo_password
  tfa_source: imap
  tfa_type: email
  tfa_host: imap.gmail.com
  tfa_username: !secret gmail_username
  tfa_password: !secret gmail_app_password

Update: It’s now just sending 2fa codes to my email. I accidentally set the wrong login for the arlo dashboard, and ended up with 2300 emails over the course of the day. I realized that it was the wrong dashboard login, and updated it to the proper one to match the gmail setup. I’ve received a handful of 2fa codes, but not 2300 yet.

Issue has been solved.

I would like to understand how this was resolved. I ask because I’ve ran into the exact same failure and have yet to resolve it.

Was it only an incorrect Arlo dashboard password?

I’m presuming that for gmail, the app password is needed instead of the user password (which requires 2fa).

I’m confident that I have the correct passwords set up.

How did you solve it?