Hi ,
I am using the “platform: openexchangesrates” to get hourly rate of the EUR USD , for example 0,84 ( 1 USD = 0,84 EUR)
But I would like to get the rate in the other sense ( 1 EUR = 1 / 0,84 = 1,19 ) so I I put these lines in the sensor.yaml file ( sensor: !include sensor.yaml) :
- platform: openexchangerates
api_key: xxxxx
quote: EUR
- platform: template
"{% set eur_usd_rate = '1'%}"
"{{ sensor.exchange_rate_sensor | (eur_usd_rate / sensor.exchange_rate_sensor) }}"
I could not make this work after different code configurations.
Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while parsing a block mapping
in "/config/sensor.yaml", line 24, column 7
expected <block end>, but found '<scalar>'
in "/config/sensor.yaml", line 26, column 9
Please can you advise ?
Thank you
Read here about building templates and YAML multiline strings.
Thanks @VDRainer to have pointed out the missing multiline “>”
Now there is no more configuration errors.
Let’s see then if it works
- platform: openexchangerates
api_key: xxxxxxx
quote: EUR
- platform: template
value_template: >-
"{% set eur_usd_rate = 1%}"
"{{ sensor.exchange_rate_sensor | int }}"
"{{ eur_usd_rate / sensor.exchange_rate_sensor }}"
The issue is that 2 sensors are created :
1 by the “platform openexchangesrates” : Exchange rate sensor ( default one as per … https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/openexchangerates/ which is working as initially whithout the platform template (1 USD = 0,84 EUR))
1 by the “platform template” : exchange_rate_sensor which is not working ( unavailable) , expecting 1 EUR = 1 / 0,84 USD = 1,19
Sreenshot enclosed:
Like i said in my first post, read the docs.
Multiline templates have no doublequotes around them.
If your openexchangerates sensor has the entity_id sensor.exchange_rate_sensor
, you can’t use that name for the template sensor.
To get the state of a sensor you need.
or (better )
You can test your templates in Dev Tools/templates.
Thanks for the help , this is my first “templating”
The updated code
- platform: openexchangerates
api_key: !secret openexchangesrates_api_key
quote: EUR
- platform: template
value_template: >
{% set eur_usd_rate = 1%}
{{ states('sensor.exchange_rate_sensor') | float }}
{{ eur_usd_rate / ( states('sensor.exchange_rate_sensor') | float ) }}
The result
So still some work to do as the result is 0,818 1,22 instead of the expected 1.22
January 10, 2021, 10:24am
Why the second line in your template? Remove it.
value_template: >
{% set eur_usd_rate = 1 %}
{{ (eur_usd_rate / (states('sensor.exchange_rate_sensor') | float)) | round(2) }}
Thank a lot , it works perfectly