[Solved] Problems with climate card and eq3 Max! integration: Off cannot be exited as expected, boost not working


I have an old eq3 system, connected via CUN device (reflashed cube) to Homegear -> internal setup and configuration working fine. E.g. heating off when window open etc.
No I connect HA to homegear -> working fine, all states properly shown.

I have a wallthermostat, which shoudl control several radiators in the room. It does work when using the hardware thermostat, but not using HA. This is known to the max! components. I created the following automations in HA, whereby I created sensors to reflect the temperature/hvac_mode/presetmode attribute as I didnt want to have the automations run on any detected temperatur change or similar. The sensors are working fine and are showing the correct modes - e.g. triggers are working

- alias: "Wandthermostat WZ - Temperaturkontrolle"
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.heating_wz_wallthermostat_temperature
    - service: climate.set_temperature
          - climate.oeq0940198
          - climate.oeq0946337
        temperature: "{{ state_attr('climate.oeq0868432', 'temperature') }}"
- alias: "Wandthermostat WZ - Modekontrolle"
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.heating_wz_wallthermostat_mode
    - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
          - climate.oeq0940198
          - climate.oeq0946337
        hvac_mode: "{{ state_attr('climate.oeq0868432', 'hvac_mode') }}"

- alias: "Wandthermostat WZ - Boostkontrolle"
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.heating_wz_wallthermostat_presetmode
    - service: climate.set_preset_mode
          - climate.oeq0940198
          - climate.oeq0946337
        hvac_mode: "{{ state_attr('climate.oeq0868432', 'preset_mode') }}"

BUT. The issues I noticed and I need help with:

  1. Can not switch to “heat” from “off” (only to “auto”)
    When turning climate wall thermostat to “off” in HA, all radiators are going to “off”, but I cannot get them back into “heat” (manual) mode. I can only reactivate them using the “auto” (Automatic) mode.
    -> Is this an issue in HA? or can somebody confirm that the Max! device firmware has that issue? Or homegear? I can confirm the issue without automations in the UI using a climate component. The issue is valid for the thermostats and wall thermostat.
    Any hint what to look for in the logs would also be helpful.

  2. Boost mode cannot be activated
    When I send the presetmode to be “boost”, the devices turn “off”. So does somebody know how I can activate the “boost” mode? I use to set the preset mode to “boost” as shown in the entity attributes.
    Here are the entity attributes as shown by HA:

Of course this can also be a homegear issue, I simply havent found an answer yet.

Best regards and thanks in advance

For completeness, the sensor configuration used (file is integrated via “include”, sensors are working):

platform: template
      - climate.oeq0868432
    value_template: >-
      {{ state_attr("climate.oeq0868432", "mode") }}
      - climate.oeq0868432
    value_template: >-
      {{ state_attr("climate.oeq0868432", "temperature") }}
      - climate.oeq0868432
    value_template: >-
      {{ state_attr("climate.oeq0868432", "preset_mode") }}

I guess I solved the issue…

  1. There is no “off” mode as it seems in Max EQ3. The climate object just sets the temperature manually to the minimal possible temperature. As such, clicking the same manual, will not change the temperature. The behavior is imho a bit misleading, but acceptable (it sets in auto-mode only the current time period to “off”, but it will change back to auto when the next temperature change is programmed)

  2. Boost
    As it seems there is an issue with reading the “preset_mode”. The component either receives “auto” or “none”. Thus reading preset_mode is not a suitable way. Luckily the mode parameter provides an indication. So if I set preset_mode to “boost” based on the mode reading, it works. The issue was that I dynamically read the preset_mode and when setting it to None, the devices went off.

It would be good to investigate if the incorrect set preset_mode comes through homegear, integration of HA with homegear or climate card. Will try, but let’s see what my knowledge allows me to do.