SOLVED: Push Notification slider not showing

I’m having issues with the push notification registration slider no longer showing in my UI. Not sure when it started. I went to register a new phone and it was no longer showing.

[homeassistant.components.notify] Setting up notify.html5

According to the logs, it’s running and not errored, but any chrome browser I try does not seem to work.

Any thoughts?

Hass v0.65.6
OS: Ubuntu 17.10

I’ve repeated the steps Here but no luck still inside or outside of the local network.

I see this before but forget cause. I think when this occur my html5 not setup properly.

Try clear browser cache
Try Firefox just to verify not browser specific.

Do you see devices getting registered in push_registration_iforgotfilename.yaml?

Thanks for the reply.

Firefox didn’t show the button either.
I moved the html5_push_registrations.conf file to clear the previous entries.

 #### Notification Settings ###
   - name: Chrome Push Notifications
     platform: html5
     gcm_api_key: !secret html5_api_key
     gcm_sender_id: !secret html5_sender_id

This is my setup. Interesting thing is there are no errors.

This worked then suddenly not worked you say?

You cannot register new device but old device notifications OK?

Correct. I can send messages to those previously registered, but can’t register new ones.

How you install HA?

If not docker try uninstall reinstall pywebpush

I’ve removed that as well as the required packages:
sudo apt-get purge libffi-dev libpython-dev libssl-dev

Chrome permissions for notifications are set to allow as well.

Your HA install is likely have some issue.
Others have same problem, me as well and issue was related to pywebpush. They fix by update HA and let pywebpush reinstall.

To verify maybe run HA in docker and check. This will validate config and Google service

I tossed it in docker. Still has an error. I’m guess it’s on my config then. Not sure what is wrong considering it’s starting the service without any issue.

since you have docker up maybe try with fresh config(use defailt config with only html5 configured and try register new devices)

it will at least simplify the troubleshooting

also, verify no extra spaces in config. that has caused me several issues in past

Here the entire config I’m using. Still not slider button.

  # Location required to calculate the time the sun rises and sets
  latitude: !secret ha_lat
  longitude: !secret ha_lon
  # Impacts weather/sunrise data
  elevation: !secret ha_elev
  # metric for Metric, imperial for Imperial
  unit_system: imperial
  # Pick yours from here:
  time_zone: America/New_York

# Show links to resources in log and frontend

# Enables the frontend

  # Uncomment this to add a password (recommended!)
  api_password: !secret http_password
  ssl_certificate: !secret ssl_cert
  ssl_key: !secret ssl_key
  ip_ban_enabled: True
  login_attempts_threshold: 3

#### Notification Settings ###
  - name: Chrome Push Notifications
    platform: html5
    gcm_api_key: !secret html5_api_key
    gcm_sender_id: !secret html5_sender_id

Is there a way to tell in the CSS why the button isn’t showing? I’ve been through the requirements quite a few times already. Doesn’t seem to make sense why it shouldn’t work.

@tmjpugh thank you so much for you help.

I’ve now realized my mistake. The push notification slider is now in the configuration sidebar menu. Which changed in some version along the way.

The configuration files I was testing was missing the config: line, which why I was missing the menu option.

The documentation might want to include images for those who might run into this problem again. As it was difficult to know what “the sidebar Configuration > General.” referred to from the “Setting Up” subguide without already having the menu.

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