SOLVED Schlage Deadbolt Z-Wave Connect Added to HA

Use quality Alkaline, not Lithium, and not rechargable. Lithium last longer but die suddenly, no warning.

Expect to get > 1 year, even with a WiFi lock.

Thanks for the info! After trying a few times to admit unsuccessfully, this did the trick!

Thanks to OP for the post at the top. Was helpful for making sure the secure key was in the configuration.yaml. After some button pressing of “healing” the network and adding / removing the node, got it finally working.

You should take a look at this thread if you have your lock connected. You can manage everything about this lock now from HA

I am about to add a 2nd Schlage Connect lock, I have been super impressed with my current lock. It works flawlessly and the original batteries lasted nearly 14 months

Hello - I have performed all the above on my Schlage. The key generated by the command you supplied is a comma-separated list of hexes. I saved them in configuration.yaml as directed and restarted. When pairing, I am prompted to supply a five-digit code. Using the five digit code next to the serial number on the Schlage docs results in an unsecured pair, which means I end up with a “NODE*” device and nothing usable. What am I missing? Thanks!

To anyone just finding this, if you are running Z-Wave JS UI, to add the security keys you can log into the web portal at X.X.X.X:8091, click on the gear icon, click Z-Wave, and there is a icon to the right of S2 Unauthenticated, S2 Authenticated, S2 Access Control, and S0 Legacy that will generate a key and store it. Then click Save at the bottom. I also restarted that container. That is what did it for me.