Solved:Select Card help please

I have 3 different temperature sensors. Depending on the temperature of any of them or depending on the average temperature, I can activate the combi boiler. But I make this selection from the configration.yml file every time. For example, I don’t know how to use it quickly by making a selection over the dashbord with a select card.I will be glad if you help.

Can you share the automation or script you are currently using to set/activate the boiler as well as any other pertinent information about the entities involved, so we know what we’re working with.

Just to clarify… you want to be able to select one of your temperature sensors (or the average sensor) to be the target sensor for you generic thermostat.

You can’t do that directly, but it should be possible by setting up a Template sensor to use as your target sensor. Since you did not provide entity ids for your thermometers, I’m just going to use stand-ins…

You will also need to create an input select helper. Make sure the Options from the input select match the keys in your version of the mapper below and your thermometer’s id match the values.

  - sensor: 
      - name: Combi Thermostat Target
        state: >
          {% set choice = states('input_select.combi_thermometers') %}
          {% set mapper = {
          'Average': 'sensor.average_temp',
          'TH01': 'sensor.th01_temperature',
          'TH02': 'sensor.th02_temperature',
          'BLE Therm': 'sensor.ble_temperature'  } %}
          {% set selected = mapper.get(choice) %}
          {{ states(selected) }}

If you need further help, make sure to include the entity ids of all your thermometers, as well as the entity id and option names from the input select you create.

Thank you very much for helping.

#Generic Thermostat

  • platform: generic_thermostat
    name: ECA_KOMBİ
    heater: switch.sonoff_100180b849
    target_sensor: input_select.thermometers
    min_temp: 15
    max_temp: 30
    hot_tolerance: 0.3
    cold_tolerance: 0
    #Generic Camera
  • sensor:
    • name: Combi Thermostat Target
      state: >
      {% set choice = states(‘input_select.thermometers’) %}
      {% set mapper = {
      ‘Average’: ‘sensor.ortalama_oda_sicakligi’,
      ‘TH01’: ‘sensor.th01_temperature’,
      ‘TH02’: ‘sensor.ewelink_th01_temperature’,
      ‘BLE Therm’: ‘sensor.ble_temperature_a4c138b0dea6’ } %}
      {% set selected = mapper.get(choice) %}
      {{ states(selected) }}

#Generic Thermostat

  • platform: generic_thermostat
    name: ECA_KOMBİ
    heater: switch.sonoff_100180b849
    target_sensor: input_select.thermometers
    min_temp: 15
    max_temp: 30
    hot_tolerance: 0.3
    cold_tolerance: 0
    #Generic Camera
  • sensor:
    • name: Combi Thermostat Target
      state: >
      {% set choice = states(‘input_select.thermometers’) %}
      {% set mapper = {
      ‘Average’: ‘sensor.ortalama_oda_sicakligi’,
      ‘TH01’: ‘sensor.th01_temperature’,
      ‘TH02’: ‘sensor.ewelink_th01_temperature’,
      ‘BLE Therm’: ‘sensor.ble_temperature_a4c138b0dea6’ } %}
      {% set selected = mapper.get(choice) %}
      {{ states(selected) }}


Sometlimes wrong?

Yes. You need to put the entity id of the template sensor in as the target sensor, not the input select.

  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: ECA_KOMBİ
    heater: switch.sonoff_100180b849
    target_sensor: sensor.combi_thermostat_target
    min_temp: 15
    max_temp: 30
    hot_tolerance: 0.3
    cold_tolerance: 0

There may be other issues, but I can’t tell because your post isn’t formatted correctly. Place three backticks ( ``` ) before and after you configuration so that it keeps the correct formatting.

Okey. İt’s working thank you very much…

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