[SOLVED] Set up Matter using Skyconnect with HA Container

I was looking for Zigbee light switches recently and ran across this deal for matter light switches for about $10USD. Deal seemed fantastic so I purchased six of them:


I have a SkyConnect and would like to use it with HA to control these switches. I thought this would be easy but it seems pretty involved and frankly confusing. I found this page which speaks about a Matter server add-on. I am running HA in a container so no add-ons are available.

Can someone please tell me if these switches can be controlled by the SkyConnect? Is there a Docker container that exists for folks like me who are running HA containerized? Do I need to do anything special to get the SkyConnect converted to use with Matter?

Sorry but I did read through the docs and either I’m really dense or this is much more complex than I had imagined. Thanks for the help

Matter can use one of two underlying transport protocols - Wi-Fi and thread. Looking at the Amazon page you linked these devices state that they are Wi-Fi smart switches. Since the SkyConnect is a thread capable device, it is not necessary to work with these switches. They support Matter over Wi-Fi.

Otherwise, you are correct, Matter integration into Home Assistant is beta and complex. I can’t speak to how a container user would implement it.

Thanks for the response. I am dense and still don’t understand. Can you tell me if it is possible for me to control these switches using HA?

It seems unlikely. It’s just not plug and play enough yet. Maybe someday. Either HA will simplify the process, or you’ll increase your knowledge and experience.

I looked at the listing and saw this:


I am trying to get rid of Alexa in favor of HA Assist but it appears that this device I own can control these switches. I should be able to expose them through Alexa and control via HA right? What a mess though. I really was looking to reduce my dependencies not increase them.

You can control Matter switches in HA by creating a container for the Matter server. There is a sample docker compose.yml file at the GitHub site to setup for containerized users. Once you have the server running, connect it to HA using the Matter integration, and commission new devices with the HA companion app. Read the HA Matter docs for more details.

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Thank you for sharing this. As a follow up for anyone that comes later, this is how things played out. I watched this video by Digiblur:

Installed the Matter server docker, added the Matter integration to HA and pointed it to the Matter server, went into HA Companion on my phone, integrations, add matter device, took a picture of the QR code, waited a short minute, was able to control the switch.

It REALLY was that simple for me and these devices. I have read that others have had to use the native app, install firmware updates, reset the device and then add to HA but I did not have to do that.

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