[SOLVED] ShellyforHASS + Shelly 2.5 shutter mode - Roller "restored:true", "unavailable"

HA running in docker (Synology), version 2021.12.9
HACS installed
ShellyforHASS 0.3.3 installed
Shelly 2.5 with firmware 20211207-072322/v1.11.7-sw25-rc1-gc615041 (beta [ECO Mode])
eclipse-mosquito in docker (anonymous, port 1883 published, no errors in logs)

Installed my first Shelly 2.5 for a shutter. Shelly works fine via Web panel and device shows up in HA, but some entities are not available. Particularly the cover.shelly(…) entity, that allows me to control the shutter.

Any hints?


Found the issue :slight_smile:
I set the same port I have for Mosquitto for the integrated MQTT… A bit confusing to be honest, but it is totally on my side for not have read things properly :stuck_out_tongue:
Log file from HA saved the day (“Address in use”).
