[Solved] Solar system for outdoor sensors?


I’m looking for a solution with solar panels to power up an ESP8266 module with few sensors for outside ! I have found few projects on Internet but Us based so difficult to find here in Europe similar products. Some suggestions or projects successful ??

Thanks for share,


Check this out - the parts list has the prices in Euros…


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You might want to check this out …

It might answer some question you have :slight_smile: I get most of my parts from aliexpress (I’m in the UK), they arrive in less than 2 weeks mostly.

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Perfect, I was about to start the exact same thing during my vacations ! :smiley:

@rpitera @keithh666 Thanks guys for link, it’s exactly what I was looking for :wink: Parts ordered on Aliexpress :smiley:

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Could you please provide the links of the parts ?

@lambtho All parts are listed in first link given by @rpitera :wink: