SOLVED: Started Nabu Casa - Google integration - how do I give secure pin?

I decided that I’m going with the Home Assistant, and wanted to give a little for further development, despite I hate these monthly fees.
In the docs it simply says Secure Devices Pin is a way to talk to security devices. But it doesn’t say what the config option is called, or under what context it’s supposed to be?
I tried just entering secure_devices_pin: somthing, but no matter where I place it under the ‘Cloud’ structure, I’m told that it’s not an option for ‘cloud’.
So how is the pin given?
Other than that it works perfectly with locking the door from google home.
I’m still not completely convinced I want to activate the unlock feature via voice, but curiosity on how it’s done has gotten me here :slight_smile:

Pretty sure its this under the google intergration


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Dooh, of course it’s nice and crisp in the GUI :smiley: