[SOLVED] Systemmonitor sensors doesn't launch

Hi guys. I strugle for this problem for a while… I cannot launch systemmonitor plugin. It seems that everything is fine, but Hassio didn’t launch sensors (there no sensors on States screen).

My configuration.yaml should be ok:

#System Monitor

  • platform: systemmonitor
    • type: disk_use_percent
      arg: /
    • type: memory_free
    • type: memory_use_percent
    • type: processor_use
    • type: last_boot
    • type: disk_free
    • type: network_in
      arg: eth0
    • type: network_out
      arg: eth0
    • type: ipv4_address
      arg: eth0
    • type: ipv4_address
      arg: wlan0
    • type: load_1m

I tried to use groups.yaml and lovelace but nothing works (system don’t see any sensors). Please help. I have recent Hassio version - hassio runs on Raspberry Pi (connection over Wifi)

You’ve been a member of these forums for exactly a year, congratulations. Why is your code unformatted? You should know how important this is by now.

@tom_l Belittling him is not productive at all.

@Michal_Nowakowski Can you update your post so your code is formatted correctly? Then we can see if there is any issue with your configuration. Have you checked the HA logs to see if an error is shown?

I wasn’t belittling (dismissing as unimportant) . I was mildly berating (criticizing) .

The stick can be more productive than the carrot for wanton laziness.

ahh @tom_l - the code is correct I tried some modification (eg arg: /home or arg: /local etc)…

#System Monitor
  - platform: systemmonitor
      - type: disk_use_percent
        arg: /
      - type: memory_free
      - type: memory_use_percent      
      - type: processor_use
      - type: last_boot     
      - type: disk_free
      - type: network_in
        arg: eth0
      - type: network_out
        arg: eth0
      - type: ipv4_address
        arg: eth0
      - type: ipv4_address
        arg: wlan0
      - type: load_1m

Sorry I use my phone sometimes - you have right I should put formatted code at the beginning…


That looks ok, other than you are looking at the IP address for the wireless lan and stats on the Ethernet port which seems a bit odd.

Is it working now?

If not, what errors are generated when you do a config check?

No it isn’t. Maybe I need to connect HA via LAN (UTP) wire? Right now I connect via WIFI
HA generate no errors. As I mentioned - no errors and no sensors displayed…

I finally found what I was doing wrong:

  1. I put the code AFTER platform “sensor:” in configuration.yaml. I made some changes recently and I forgot to tidy my yaml. The correct code should be as follow:
#System Monitor
  - platform: systemmonitor
      - type: disk_use_percent
        arg: /
      - type: memory_free
      - type: memory_use_percent      
      - type: processor_use
      - type: last_boot     
      - type: disk_free
      - type: network_in
        arg: eth0
      - type: network_out
        arg: eth0
      - type: ipv4_address
        arg: eth0
      - type: ipv4_address
        arg: wlan0
      - type: load_1m
  1. I tried to reset (reboot) my HA instance but in Lovelace something wasn’t working correctly. After turning the power down (hard - reset) and turning my Rpi again, sensors appears.

Thanks to all for help. I would like to leave this topic (maybe someone will have similar problem).