[solved] Tasmota shutters not showing up as covers


I just configured a Shelly 2PM Plus running Tasmota 14 as a shutter controller, and it works using the following configuration:

SetOption80 1
Interlock on
Interlock 1,2
ShutterMode1 1
ShutterRelay1 1
ShutterCloseDuration 16.5
ShutterOpenDuration 16.5
ShutterButton1 2 t 50 14 - - - - - -

Unfortunately, the device that shows up in HomeAssistant does not expose a cover identity, while other Shelly 2PMs I have do. I cannot discern what configuration might be different between the devices that show up as covers in HA, and this new one. I also searched everywhere. Does anyone have a hint for me, please?

I rebooted HA and that fixed it. Weird.