I have a default view with a few groups. Whenever they contain other groups, these sub-groups are shown in their own card on the default view.
This used to work fine my previous 0.7x version. But recently I upgraded HASS to 0.93.2 and since then, sub groups automatically show up. They already have control: hidden and view: no. I haven’t found a way to hide it. Is there?
The composer panel doesn’t let me add any example code here even if I enclose it in backticks, otherwise I would have done that.
control: hidden
view: no
- automation.heat_on
This used to work fine my previous 0.7x version. But recently I upgraded HASS to 0.93.2 and since then, ‘timer_heat’ shows up in default_view as its own card, even though it is not listed. I haven’t found a way to hide it. Is there?
Thank you. Yes, you are correct. When I enter the /states link manually I still see the old (correct) UI, but without it the default is /lovelace.
What’s confusing is that the new UI almost looks like the old one (including groups) but doesn’t seem to be compatible. I’ve now enabled the storage mode and removed the unwanted cards.
The visual similarity is deliberate, this was mentioned in the release notes during the Lovelace release process. However, I suspect you skipped all the release notes (and blogs) between your version and 0.93, so it’s likely you missed that, and many other things