[SOLVED] Vera | NEO Coolcam PIR | Light and Temp Values

Upgraded to 0.109.3 yesterday and I noticed my NEO Coolcam PIR Light values and Temp values ALL show “Unknown”.

In Vera they display data correctly and in the previous version (I don’t remember what I upgraded from but it was a few months back) they showed the correct values.

Has anyone seen something similar?

I can confirm for my setup a neo coolcam pir from vera is still working well wih 0.109 3

Here all my 7 Neo cool cam PIR values are still working 0.109.4 and Zwave2MQTT

Are you using a Vera Controls ZWave system? If so, which one?

Thanks Sender.

Turns out I have to wait a few hours for the values to populate.

I am new to Home Assistant and am trying to get some basic stuff working.
I have a RPI4 with Hassio/Hassos installation. Connected are 4 Neo Cool Cam PIR devices which seem to work correct most of the time with regards to the PIR part, however the Luminance part is not updating most of the time. While the PIR sensors report every few minutes, the Luminance sensors are outdated for hours … Anyone with similar results? Am I missing something obvious ? I can not imagine all 4 devices are buggy…

I have three 5-in-1 Coolcam sensors all fail to report temperature, luminance and humidity after the first hour connected to my Z-Wave network. They are new 700 chip based sensors but I cannot get them to work in any of my controllers. All the other 30+ devices in the network work without issues. With older Coolcam PIR the behavior was the same (they report only motion).
My take is that Neo Coolcam sensors have issues with temperature, luminance and humidity reporting regardless the model. They are not reliable and the support from the Chinese company is a cr*p.