SOLVED! Why does my usb bluetooth not do anything?


According to hass webif i have a CSR8510 A10 (0a12:0001)

by cyber-blue(HK)Ltd
Bluetooth usb dongle.
It gets shown in the active integrations list as bluetooth woth one 1 device(itself) but that is it…
I thought it would detect devices around and propagate them but nothing…
From googling around i found out that it sees pairable devices incl one of my xaiomi bluetooth temp meters, but they dont propagate. Tried installing the xiaomi ble integration but it fails saying that there is no device to be found…

Anything that i could dig into to fins the culprit?

Thx in advance

I am running supervised bare metal install of the most current hass os

There seems to be a very limited selection of devices that are compatible.

Hello and thx for the fast answer…

In terminal i can see my xiaomi temp sensor
Bluetoothhctl devices shows it
Bluetoothctl pair mac pairs it
Bluetoothctl connect mac connects it…

But all just in terminal.

I have “bluetooth:” entry in my configuration yaml
I have “device_tracker: - plattform: bluetooth_tracker” in my configuration.yaml

But…the rest…no idea…
Thx for any help…
By the way…thoae temp sensors are supposed to be the shiznit and working everywhere…so hopefully that did not change…have 9 of them haha

I found the solution…
I was not aware that i had to install “passive ble monitor” from hacs…
Not a second later did the temp sensors pop up


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