Hi all,
I’m using a docker conainer on my Synolgy. After upgrading the container from 0.78 to the lastest 0.83.3 I found that my automations that are triggered with a click on my only aqara button are not triggered anymore.
I enabled logs and I can see an event when I click on the button:
2018-12-09 13:26:59 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.xiaomi_aqara] PUSH >> <Entity Switch_158d0001ef86ed: off>: {'status': 'click'}
So I suppose HA i correctly receiving the event.
The automation has been setup via GUI. Here is the config
- id: '1537733835875'
alias: Pulsante Accende Stereo
- event_data:
entity_id: binary_sensor.Switch_158d0001ef86ed
event: click
event_type: click
platform: event
- condition: state
entity_id: switch.stereobluetooth_9
state: 'off'
- alias: ''
entity_id: scene.accendi_stereo
service: scene.turn_on
If I manually trigger the scene, it works.
I cannot understand what’s wrong. Everything was working well before the upgrade…