device_id: e84a1e36ee2d838337aea2c7641ba1ea
domain: zha
platform: device
type: remote_button_short_press
subtype: remote_button_short_press
the ways of ha are mysterious and time wasting as always
usual troubleshooting: battery full, re-pairing, using it for a simple automation that works if I trigger it in the HA interface but not via the button press
I don’t get the “triggered” popup in the automation anymore
the connection of the button seems really good though, it’s instantly found after entering pairing mode
to tell the full story: i relocated the switch, it then didnt report to ha anymore. i then tried to re-pair. supposedly it had a connection then but after rebooting i find out that HA doesn’t see the switch anymore and it’s just listed as unk_manufacturer unk_model there. I’ll remove>reboot>-re-pair now
->does work now
only issue is the switch AND the lights dont react on every press even though they’re bridged by a powered zigbee device in every room and the switch was paired in the room that I intended to use it in