Some advice - Goodnight automation/script/button


I have been reading up and there seem to be a couple of ways to achieve what I want. Before I start though, I thought I would ask you kind folk for some advice.

I have a “goodnight” automation in Smartthings which I would like to replicate in Home assistant. Basically, when pressed, this will:

Turn off all the Hue lights and put the Nest thermostat into eco mode. This should then come out of eco mode at sunrise (i.e. back to heat mode)

I am just not sure which method I should use to get the button onto the HA ui. Should this be a script? Boolean input? Automation?

Sorry, this is the first time I am trying something like this so thought I would ask first before diving in…

Thanks for any help,

it’s input_boolean and it will render as an on/off slider. See for more.

You then use this as a trigger in an automation and either perforn the required actions directy in that automation rule or in a script being run by that automation rule.