I just thought I’d say that I’ve just seen the RC for 0.69 and I’m very happy with the new components.
It’s the biggest list of components from a single release that I will be using.
I can now use the Domain Expiry to monitor several domains I have and I can use the Social Blade sensor to monitor the details of the HASSCASTS channel on YouTube; Instagram & Twitter. I do have a Node-RED flow, which monitors and informs me when the subscriber count increases by a certain number but this may just make that redundant (but in all honesty, I’ll probably just end up changing the Node-RED source as it currently scrapes the HASSCASTS channel page.
OK, so that’s only 2 components that I’ll be using but I’m still quite excited about them
Thanks to the Devs for their continuing hard work.
Sorted. The double hyphen after rc is being transposed by the forum into one long line which produces no content. I manually added - - and it worked. Thanks.
Did you try it already?
I can’t get it to work. Getting an error that my username is incorrect. The only username I have is my e-mail address but that isn’t working…