Some Awesome updates to 0.69 :-)

I just thought I’d say that I’ve just seen the RC for 0.69 and I’m very happy with the new components.

It’s the biggest list of components from a single release that I will be using.
I can now use the Domain Expiry to monitor several domains I have and I can use the Social Blade sensor to monitor the details of the HASSCASTS channel on YouTube; Instagram & Twitter. I do have a Node-RED flow, which monitors and informs me when the subscriber count increases by a certain number but this may just make that redundant (but in all honesty, I’ll probably just end up changing the Node-RED source as it currently scrapes the HASSCASTS channel page.

OK, so that’s only 2 components that I’ll be using but I’m still quite excited about them :slight_smile:
Thanks to the Devs for their continuing hard work.

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Hey John. The link you provided is not working. I went to check it out.

I can’t understand why. You can check the link for yourself.

I’ve just tried a few different variants but this is the only one I can get to work :-/

I might need to be logged in with a developer account?

It looks like you’re on the normal branch. Notice the rc-- (I think it is) after the https://
Try that and see if that works.

Sorted. The double hyphen after rc is being transposed by the forum into one long line which produces no content. I manually added - - and it worked. Thanks.

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PostNL! Cool :smiley:

Did you try it already?
I can’t get it to work. Getting an error that my username is incorrect. The only username I have is my e-mail address but that isn’t working…