Some basic (very) help needed please

I already have Configurator from the addon store and can see the config panel, that;'s where I set my password and username right at the start.

Is the the YAML file?

The Samba share shows this:

“workgroup”: “WORKGROUP”,
“name”: “hassio”,
“guest”: true,
“map”: {
“config”: true,
“addons”: true,
“ssl”: false,
“share”: true,
“backup”: true
“username”: “”,
“password”: “”,
“interface”: “”,
“allow_hosts”: [

Should I be setting a username a password in here for Samba?

If I follow you, you would edit your yaml on your Mac as I don’t know which route you used to install on your pi. I never touch my pi I do everything from my pc or tablet via a web browser.

Great. That’s what I want to do. How do I get to/ see the Yaml?

I installed HassIO on my Pi just by flashing to the SD card on my Mac and the putting it in the Pi. That all went smoothly.

That is fine for now, you may want to make it more secure later. Personally I would use the configuator to start with as writing yaml is a bit challenging as correct spacing is vital to make it work & it will tell you if your code is formatted correctly.

So editing in the configurator should be the same as the Yaml?

I want to add iOS:, change my location and timezone, add Arlo control panel and start adding sonoff devices.

For example, here it says to add


  • platform: arlo

To the confiiguration.yaml

How/where do I do that?

Installing configurator will give you access to all your yaml files via a web browser so you can edit them.

Sorry cannot show you my configuration file as I might get hacked but this is what it looks like

Do you mean I just add those line to this:

I would add a username & password but be aware you need to keep your json script as it is shown in your picture.


I’m not seeing that.

Do you get to that by clicking Open Web UI?

That asks me for a password that I don’t seem to have.

No set that first, save and restart then open ui.

I already set that. I’ve blurred it in the screenshot.

I’m getting a ‘Policy not fulfilled’ message.

From where ha or your browser?


I’m just reinstalling configurator to see if that helps.

There’s a video on YouTube might help you!

Thank you for the video link. As I’m new I had to wait 24 hours to be able to reply!

The video explained a lot but didn’t quite get me to a solution.

This thread covers the same fault I’m getting but I haven’t managed to rectify it so far.

If you have any insights, I’d appreciate them.

Hi Ash this is my configuration don’t know if it will help but works for me

If your having problems still another way to access your configuration yaml
In the community Addon’s there is a great addon from Franck our resident addon guru called IDE.

Thank you. That’s got me away with setting my location and timezone correctly.

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