(Some) Danfoss Ally thermostats start heating at night for no apparent reason

I have six Danfoss Ally radiator thermostats that I’ve finally managed to integrate via Zigbee2mqtt. They’ve been running for a few days now, and I’ve started to see something odd: Some of them start heating in the middle of the night, even though their setpoint is lower and the actual temperature.
Here are the graphs for the last 24 hours:

The top right, middle left and bottom left all behave as expected.

But take a look at the top left one: At 3 o’clock last night, its setpoint was 17 C, its actual temperature was just below 20 C, but it started heating nonetheless. It kept heating until it reached 21 C, at which time the automation turned the setpoint from 17 to 18, and it stopped heating.

The bottom right is more or less the same: Around 3 at night, it started heating, despite the measured temperature being three degrees above the setpoint.

The middle right one waited until around five, when it, too, started to heat for no reason - almost as if it anticipated the upcoming raising of the setpoint.

Other than that, they seem to be functioning well. But these quirks concern me somewhat.

I do not know how Danfoss Ally react in a HA setting, because I have only used them with a Danfoss Hub, but there the thermostats have a setting for long or short heating which is something you set according to what type of heating source you have.
The graph you post with weird behavior looks like what I experienced when I had that setting set to short heating on the thermostat, but connected to a heat source that should have long heating selected instead.

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I saw somewhere that Danfoss TRV are “learning” for first couple of days after “installation” co that might be some kind of algorithm that is trying to check how the temperature changes?

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I have the “opposite” issue. I have some TRVs that had already been mounted on different radiators and one room has difficulties to properly heat.

I now have a script that allows be to “reset” the fact that it already learned before, but it does not initiate the adaptation run as I expected. Maybe that will happen this night…


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Check the programming operation mode. There might be a schedule programmed even if you’ve never used it that way. It should be set to “setpoint”. After you’ve changed that it should be fine.