Some fun with Alexa on a Friday afternoon

Sorry, I’m not sure what that error means.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong as my SSL doesnt work.

Have you set up AWS Lambda?

I don’t use a Lambda proxy. Sorry.

Hi thanks for your reply.

Is there anyway that you could guide me on setting up SSL?I have followed bruh automation’s video on how to set it up but when I try to open my ha by https:// it doesn’t work.

Not sure what is wrong?

If you’re not able to reach it using https from inside your network, it could be that your router doesn’t support loopback. You can confirm that’s what’s happening by disconnecting your phone from wifi so that you’re on cell data, then try accessing HASS.

If that doesn’t work, then the error is important. Is it a connection issue or some other error…

thanks for the reply !

So I tried from my home network and cell data and everything works well. As soon as I removed 8123 and just try it doesn’t work. My router cannot forward port 443 to port 8123 for some reason.

Also when I try https://YOUR_HOST/api/alexa?api_password=YOUR_API_PASSWORD it fails to open any page but when I try https://YOUR_HOST:8123/api/alexa?api_password=YOUR_API_PASSWORD it says 405: Method Not Allowed.

Do you have any other ideas to get around this issue?


That sounds like an issue with your router configuration, not with HASS. You’ll need to get that sorted to use the Alexa component as it wants HTTPS/443. You want to have your router send all 8123 traffic to 443 on your HASS install. You’ll need to configure ports AND the destination IP address.

In which case I have to change my router as my router does not allow to send traffic from 8123 to 443!

What kind of router do you have? I didn’t realize you were using :8123 in your URL; Amazon won’t work with any ports added to the target URL.

Hi I am based in the UK and my ISP is Virgin Media.

I use their router called SuperHub (VMDG490) which appears to be based off a modified version of NetGear’s own kit (C6250 DOCSIS 3.0 Wireless Gateway).

If it’s the same as the C6250 and they haven’t somehow blocked access to the page, it should support port forwarding as described on page 166 of the manual here:

They have blocked access to the C6250’s page and made their own custom Virgin Media page.

Bummer. So they don’t allow any access to port forwarding on the page or they just rewrote the interface?

They have rewrote the interface and do allow port forwarding but they do not allow or their interface does not allow to forward ports i.e. 433 to 8123 or vice versa. See image attached for the configuration of port forwarding.

Try this google search - I saw a few solutions including a few videos.

One of them was even from the Virgin Media user group.

It’s a bit of a long thread, so you’ll have to do some digging. But I skipped to the end where one of the users was saying that they “wished VM support could have told them that” so I think they figured it out.

Thanks for this but these guys couldn’t forward their ports in general. My issue is to forward a port to another port. I will have to speak to my ISP I guess.


thanks for this. Works just asome on my alexa.
I’ve a little problem with the alexa_confirm.yaml

Mine is looking like this:

  {{ [
  "wie du wünscht",
  "alles klar",
  "wird erledigt",
  "wenn du meinst",
  "Kein Problem",
  "mach ich",
  "ey ey kaptain"
  ] | random }}

if i remove the indentations HA won’t start with Log-Entry:

17-01-31 22:05:49 ERROR (Thread-1) [homeassistant.util.yaml] expected '<document start>', but found '{'
  in "/home/hass/.homeassistant/alexa_confirm.yaml", line 2, column 1

With indentations everything is working fine, but alexa only respones with a different command after restarting HA.
If i check in the Templatesection it change the response everytime.

My HA-Version is 37.0

Whats wrong with my Config?




Hmm. I recently saw this on a thread over here:

same issue, the list would only randomize once. At the time I responded to that thread, I was on .35 and not having the issue (at least I don’t think I was!) But now, on .37, it looks like the random filter is broken.

Opened an issue:

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Confirmed on my system as well and I’ll report over at the issue.

Have you tried using ngork to set up custom skills?