Battery Notes: I love the way it monitors my battery levels but also shows what type of battery and how many, also giving me the opportunity to tell it when I changed the battery. This allows me to review it later and see when I last changed the battery.
Circadian Lighting: Based on location and sun, it knows where the sun’s position and adjustment the internal settings for different white color balances. In the automation, it can be set to a Color called Circadian and HA will automatically update any lights that is set to that color.
Alarm: This will be an Alexa killer. Even though I set my phone alarm, it is nice having a second system that wakes me up as well. I should be able to ask Assist or any Voice Assistant to set an alarm. If there is a way for one to ask for an alarm wakeup on a specific device or multiple devices, it will add that item as an entity. Also, with calendar, someone who works different hours every day, not set to a specific time, they can enter the item in Calendar and HA, with some automation tweaking, can set the alarm accordingly.
One instance, Shango (my voice assistant wake-up call), set alarm for five A M tomorrow morning.
Second instance, create a new calendar item. I add my work times in the calendar. Like on Monday, I start at 9AM. Nothing on Tuesday if I am off on Tuesday. Wednesday, I add 10:30 AM. I basically add my schedule to the calendar. In automation, I will set a trigger to look for any calendar entries four hours in advance. I then set the alarm integration for wake up at those times. On Monday, it will wake me up at 5AM. Wednesday, 6:30AM.
Third instance, I set an alarm for 6AM every weekday morning, or for certain days for those who work Sun-Thurs.
I understand that this can be set in automation, but it will be cool if I can just tell Shango (my voice assistance call word) to set an alarm or say, “Shango, I am off tomorrow. Do not wake me up.”
Just some ideas I would love to see included into HA directly. All of the above, I am using and works great. The only thing is the alarm triggering via voice assistant. Keep in mind, these ideas are coming from an intermediate user. Imagine a brand-new user, HA is getting easier every month. I love how HA is easy to use, yet able to do more complex advance stuff if I apply myself into figuring out how to do something. Keep up the good work HA Team.