Some SRT321 devices does not show on/off

I have lot of electrical heaters and bought several different SRT321 thermostat over time. I have the same configuration on each, probably not the same firmware on them, and some might be older than other.

They all work fine and regulate the temperature perfecly, regulating the electrical heater through a direct association between the STR321 and the Qubino flush pilot.

But some are displaying “nice” in the climate graph, we clearly seen when the flush pilot device is triggered:

while the older one does not:

On the last one, of course the flush pilot is not always on, it is well regulated but home assistant is not aware of when it regulates or not.

I also have some SRT321 that displays 2 buttons:

And some not

Any idea how this works, to which ZWave values each setting is related? Maybe if we can change soemthing?


I see the difference between the devices:

  • the one that displays the heater activation correctly are seen as "SRT321 by Secure Meters (UK) Ltd.
  • while the ones without this information are seen as “HRT4-ZW / SRT321 by Secure Meters (UK) Ltd.”

Bug in HA: Missing state in some SRT321 device, not on some · zwave-js/node-zwave-js · Discussion #7519 · GitHub

Bug in ZWaveJS: Missing state in some SRT321 device, not on some · zwave-js/node-zwave-js · Discussion #7519 · GitHub