Some Tasmota devices showing as "Unavailable" after Auto-Discovery

Heya Community :smile:

I ran into a somewhat weird issue today after flashing my Gosund SP111 (v1.1) power measurement and relay sockets with Tasmota (8.2.0) and enabling Auto-Discovery for them. They do show up in Home Assistant under “Devices” and I see all the Energy/Power sensors, however they all show up as “Unavailable”. Checking via a MQTT explorer I do see the “homeassistant/XXXXXX_status” topic show up and being configured correctly, and the “tele/tasmota_XXXX/HASS_STATE” and “tele/tasmota_XXXX/SENSOR” + “STATE” also seems right, the last 2 values are also constantly updated which seems all okay and normal so far.

Now the weird part: I have a “Generic” Tasmota device (random Chinese wall Switch, configured GPIO pins manually, also 8.2.0) which I also added via Autodiscovery which, surprise surprise, works flawlessly. Shows up in Home Assistant, can be switched and reports its status instantly if pressed. I’ve also compared the MQTT topic values (homeassistant and tele) from this and the 3 other devices and they match up, nothing seems off between them. The only difference being that this Switch doesn’t have power measurement built in.

Any ideas what could be the fault still?

Thanks a ton for helping :slight_smile:

Just to get back to this: For whatever odd reason all of them magically started working over night! I really have no idea why tho… So, I guess this one solved itself?

Still curious tho why that may happen, answers are still welcome in case future people check by here and need a solution too :slight_smile:

I had been having a lot of problems with some Tasmota Devices becoming unavailable hundreds of times a day. They would be sitting right next to identical devices that never went unavailable. I went up and down Tasmota versions and it would be stable for a day or so. Eventually installed TasmoAdmin and found that the unavailable devices had low Wifi states in 20% region. Setoption56 1 and Setoption 57 1 and this allowed my devices to jump to a stronger AP on my network( each time restart a device and checks every 44 mins) and Wifi states jumped up and now very few unavailable episodes.